
To be able to connect to the API you need to get an access token. After that you create a request header with the name Authorization and value Bearer [access token].

Get an access token with Postman:

  1. Select authorization type Oauth2.
  2. Select add authorization data to Request headers.
  3. Click Get New Access Token.
  4. Set Grant Type Authorization Code.
  5. Set Callback URL
  6. Set Auth URL
  7. Set Access Token URL
  8. Set Client ID to your Client ID.
  9. Set Client Secret to your Client Secret.
  10. Set scope to read (scopes are not fully implemented yet).
  11. Set Client Authentication Send as Basic Auth header.
  12. Click Request token and login with a user that you created with
  13. You can now start using the api. Try to make a GET request to with the aquired token in a request header. It should return an empty array of banks.